
Thought Leaders Weigh In On The Post Pandemic Advertising And Media Landscape

The COVID-19 pandemic will change a number of businesses including advertising and media. Not since World War II ended 75 years ago, has there been such disruption on a global scale. In the years ahead, there will be references to a pre-pandemic and post-pandemic world. With that in mind, I asked a group of industry thought leaders on what advertising, media and consumer behavior will look like post-pandemic. Here’s what they said.

Rob Davis, President Local Media and CMO, NOVUS NEXT

“It’s clear that the country will not open with a proverbial flick of a switch— it will be gradual and full of stops and starts, state-by-state, county by county. As such, we’re expecting a much larger emphasis on local media like spot TV, radio, out-of-home and localized digital. We’re already seeing some shifts from national to regional or local budgets, and a higher interest in custom geo-local targeting.”